Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Baby Yoga...but not as I know it!

Well today Maddie and I have been flexing and stretching at baby yoga!

We have been doing it for about 5 weeks now and we both really enjoy ourselves.  As she is getting older, each week she is enjoying it more and more.

To be fair we don't actually do much yoga (more lots of singing and bouncing and embarrassing ourselves!) but I would thoroughly recommend them to anyone thinking of signing up for a course.

Some moves we won't be trying however are in the below video.  I found this video absolutely shocking!  Each to their own and supposedly the baby is absolutely fine, but I think Maddie and I will just participate in the odd song and moving of our hands and feet!

I am still not entirely sure if the baby is real in this video, but apparently he is.

Don't worry Maddie, Mummy won't chuck you over my head anytime soon!


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